Popular Services
This type of request is for general on-campus employee technical services. If the building name, room number, or department is not listed, then choose or enter 'not listed' on that field and include it in the description.
Students or employees can submit this request. A valid username or Palomino id is required. If you do not know your username or Palomino id, please contact Registration Office at: 956-721-5109 or 956-794-4110. A brief explanation should be entered in the "description" box to be able to complete your request. (NOTE: The information entered is for the user filling this request) ***DO NOT INCLUDE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS***
Any requests sent after hours of operation M-Thur. 8:00am to 6:00pm or Fri. 8:00am to 12:00pm will be answered on the next business day.